Sharing from the depths of our lives – from the small victories and disappointments, to the heartbreak, loss, and delight that change our whole lives – is what binds us together in love, as a church family.
Living Stream Church of the Brethren welcomes your prayer requests. Submit prayers by email to pray <at>, and your concerns will be lifted up by our prayer team across the country. If you would like, please indicate if you want your prayer request incorporated into our upcoming Sunday evening worship service. (To respect your privacy in this online venue, we will anonymize the details of your requests.)
“Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise.” – James 5:13
If you are interested in joining our prayer team, please email us as well, at pray <at> And please continue to hold this new online ministry in your prayers.
Blessings of peace to you.